How Do I Work
At the core of my practice is the psychodynamic approach. That means I value open – ended, non-structured work, where you can freely explore your difficulties and get to slowly and organically develop insight and practice new skills, as opposed to time – limited, highly structured and symptoms focused approaches, like CBT (cognitive – behavioral therapy). It does not mean we don’t talk about distressing thoughts or destructive behaviors: but instead of focusing on them, I will try and help you develop a deep understanding of yourself, your unique history, vulnerabilities and strengths. Important part of this work will be exploring patterns of relationships with significant people in your life and also the nature of relationship with a therapist.
Another important, and also neglected area of focus is the body: by paying attention to the breath, discovering patterns of muscular tension and exploring various symptoms and sensations, I support patients to establish healthy relationship with their body.
My source of inspiration are the concepts of CG Jung, especially integration of polarities, the role of dreams, symbols and rituals in the process of psychological transformation.